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U.S. polymer composite market demand in 2020 will reach $10 billion
2016-9-17 13:24:57
In 2020 the United States market for high performance polymer composites (fiber reinforced polymer materials) demand will reach $10 billion, an average annual increase of 5.3%, compared with 2010-2015 growth rate slowed slightly. As we all know, the rapid growth in the years, mainly due to the production of the Boeing 787, because of its body more than 50% by the composite material, so it greatly stimulated the market demand. In general, the aerospace industry for polymer materials demand growth and stability, is the use of wind energy and pressure vessel industry in the east part, the two feature of the market is small, fast growth rate. In addition, the high cost of polymer materials and labor-intensive production is destined to widen the road to the market will be more difficult.
To 2020, the main market of high performance polymer material is still the aerospace industry. But in terms of the demand for materials, the high pressure container industry has shown the fastest growth rate; in addition, the wind industry will continue to grow consistently. Recently, the government has once again expanded the product tax credits, which also brings good market shocks with those perennial; turbine blade length ascension again and again, will promote manufacturers for the carbon fiber demand to realize the light.
Thanks to its low cost and wide application, to 2020 will become a leader in carbon fiber polymer materials, for the entire market demand of 85%; in the industrial use of Aramid Composite widely followed; the other fiber composite flat, this is mainly because most of the industry in addition to outside of military aircraft the demand is weak.
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