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2016 chemical industry anti-dumping inventory
2017-1-3 11:05:36
1, the European Union against China's three chlorine acid anti-dumping sunset review investigation
In December 20, 2016, the European Commission announced that Ercros S.A. and Inquide S.A. on behalf of three chloro isocyanuric acid production of similar products in the EU accounted for more than 25% of the total output of the EU manufacturers in September 30, 2016 to apply for the European Commission, originating in the Chinese three chloro isocyanuric acid (trichloroisocyanuric acid) initiated anti-dumping sunset review investigation.
2, China and the United States Potassium Permanganate made the preliminary anti-dumping administrative review
In December 13, 2016, the U.S. Department of Commerce announced on imports from China Potassium Permanganate (Potassium Permanganate) made the preliminary anti-dumping administrative review: a preliminary ruling involved product export price lower than the normal value of dumping, weighted Pacific Accelerator Limited ruled Chinese exporters the average margin of dumping is $4.03 / kg; Chinese general tax rate of 128.94% remained unchanged. The coordination of products in the United States tariff number is 2841.61.00. The administrative review of anti-dumping investigation period from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015.
3, Brazil, China PET resin made final anti-dumping and taxed
Brazil Foreign Trade Commission issued Resolution No. 121st in 2016 in the official journal in November 28th, PET resin for originating from the Chinese (MERCOSUR tariff 39076000) make a final anti-dumping, and imposed definitive anti-dumping duty.
4, the United States changed the "R-134a preliminary anti-dumping
In December 1, 2016, the U.S. Department of Commerce announced amendments to the China imports from 1, 1, 1, 2- tetrafluoroethane (R-134a) anti-dumping preliminary results, including mandatory respondent companies Zhejiang Sanmei chemical Limited by Share Ltd (ZhejiangSanmeiChemicalIndustryCo., Ltd.) and Jiangsu Sanmei Chemical Co Ltd (JiangsuSanmeiChemicalsCo., Ltd.), all China exporters / weighted production taking the average margin of dumping were revised to 232.30%.
5, India's anti-dumping investigation of Resorcinol
In October 13, 2016, India should be the only manufacturer M/s Atul resorcinol Limited application, India Ministry of Commerce and industry of China from resorcinol and Japanese imports (resorcinol) to start anti-dumping investigation, the case involving products under Tariff No. 29072100. Dumping investigation period is April 1, 2015 ~2016 year in March 31st, damage survey period for the April 2012 ~2013 year in March, April 2013 ~2014 year in March, April 2014 ~2015 year in March, April 1, 2015 ~2016 year in March 31st (period of investigation).
6, the EU anti-dumping duties levied on oxalic acid
In November 28th, the Commission issued a notice, according to the common European court verdict, the new EU Chinese tax levied oxalate on producers in Shanxi city of Yuanping province chemical industry limited production of 14.6% anti-dumping duties. Products involved in the EU CN (Combined Nomenclature) coding for ex 29171100; EU TARIC code is 2917110091).
7, South Korea's titanium dioxide made anti-dumping affirmative preliminary determination
In May 26th, South Korea Trade Commission made anti-dumping affirmative preliminary determination for Joaquin rutile titanium dioxide, but decided the product not levy provisional anti-dumping duties.
8, Pakistan suspended PVC launched anti-dumping investigation
In November 29th, the Pakistan National Tariff Commission announcement, said the decision to apply for the domestic industry, the anti-dumping investigation to self China in mainland and Taiwan, South Korea and Thailand imported suspension grade pvc.
The survey involved 39041090 Pakistan customs tariff under the product survey period for the July 2015 to June 2016. Stakeholders should be from the investigation organ within 15 days from the day of filing the case to the registration, submit the relevant information within 45 days.
9, India, China made final anti-dumping dichloromethane
March 30, 2016, India Ministry of Commerce and industry of Chinese originating in Russia and was made final anti-dumping. Products involved in the customs code 29031200.
In April 7, 2015, India originating in Russia and Chinese was initiated anti-dumping investigation, and make a preliminary anti-dumping in October 30, 2015.
10, Turkey decided to impose anti-dumping duties on sodium benzoate
In April 12th, the Ministry of economy of Turkey issued a final anti-dumping notice, decided to import the Chinese sodium formate products to levy 31% anti-dumping duty.
Sodium formate is a white or light yellow crystalline solid at normal temperature, and is decomposed into hydrogen and sodium oxalate at high temperature. Used in leather industry, as a kind of camouflage acid in chrome tanning process, used as catalyst and stabilizing agent.
11, the EU made a final anti-dumping sunset review of aspartame
In July 28, 2016, the European Commission issued for native to China aspartame (aspartame) anti-dumping sunset review final announcement, that if the abolition of anti-dumping measures, the product dumping and its damage to EU industry will continue or occur again, so decided to maintain the product of the anti-dumping measures, the anti-dumping duty ruled as follows: Changmao bio chemical engineering Limited by Share Ltd (Changmao Biochemical Engineering Co., Ltd 55.4%); Jiangsu (Sinosweet group) and Han group affiliated enterprises 59.4%; Niu Tang Group (Niutang group) and its subordinate enterprises 59.1%; other companies involved 58.8%; the other 59.4% Chinese company.
12, India, China launched an investigation of anti fluoride acid

India Ministry of Commerce and industry of anti-dumping Bureau released the September 21st announcement, said the decision to apply for the domestic industry, imports from China oxyfluoro acid (Ofloxacin acid) initiated anti-dumping investigations. The investigation period is from July 2015 to June 2016.

13, India Huajia PPDI launched anti-dumping investigations
October 5th, India Ministry of Commerce and industry of anti-dumping bureau announcement, said the decision to apply for the domestic industry, since Chinese imported toluene diisocyanate (TDI) initiated anti-dumping investigations. The investigation period is from April 2015 to March 2016. Interested parties should be filed within 40 days from the date of submission of information to the India investigation authority.
14, Turkey PV products launched anti-dumping investigations
In July 1st, the Ministry of economy of Turkey issued an official communique, decided that domestic enterprises should apply, originating in the China PV (haiguanshuihao soil 8541. initiated anti-dumping investigations. Interested parties shall submit information to the local investigation organ within 37 days from the date of filing.

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